A Comparison of Essay and Objective Examinations as.
An objective test is a test that has right or wrong answers and so can be marked objectively. It can be compared with a subjective test, which is evaluated by giving an opinion, usually based on agreed criteria. Objective tests are popular because they are easy to prepare and take, quick to mark, and provide a quantifiable and concrete result.
What are objective tests? Objective tests as we use them are multiple choice: questions are presented along with a number of options, or choices, for you to choose from. Only one of these options is the correct answer. There is no subjective judgement exercised by the examiner when assessing the mark given for the answers in an objective test.
A subjective test is evaluated by giving an opinion. It can be compared with an objective test, which has right or wrong answers and so can be marked objectively. Subjective tests are more challenging and expensive to prepare, administer and evaluate correctly, but they can be more valid.
Psychology Definition of SUBJECTIVE TEST: The test which is not scored by following strict rules. There is an open choice to score them. These tests are administered to judge a student's abilities.
Objective test definition, a test consisting of factual questions requiring extremely short answers that can be quickly and unambiguously scored by anyone with an answer key, thus minimizing subjective judgments by both the person taking the test and the person scoring it. See more.
Pre-testing of questionnaire is required to get a feed back on clarity of information, time for completion, layout, biased questions, interpretation of the respondents etc. Number of respondents on whom the questionnaire is tested and the number of test conducted mainly depends on the research objectives, time available and financial implications.
A disadvantage of objective personality tests can be the sheer length. Unlike tests that give a simple insight into someone's personality, an objective personality test such as the MMPI-2 is used to determine predictions and outcomes of treatments for patients. The MMPI-2 has 567 items, making it the longest commonly used personality inventory.