Public Transportation: Reducing Air and Noise Pollution.
When public transportation system is very effecting in reducing congestion and air pollution, these two aspects often deter people to use them. Improving the service quality and imposing strict rules by the authority could be an effective solution to this problem.
Most importantly, travelling by public transport can help reduce the environmental pollution. Our environment is deteriorating with every passing day But nowadays, you are breathing in the air that full of dust and carbon dioxide and many exotic chemicals that can suffocate our life.
Transportation is a major source of pollution. Learn about 10 possible solutions for transportation pollution.
This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Main Causes Of Air Pollution. Category: Health, Environment, Business;. or better yet, one that runs on fully electric. Other ways include taking public transportation, carpooling with friends and colleagues, or even riding a bike to your destination.. Main Causes.
Apart from that,if only the immigrants use the public transportation, that would not be the solution for air pollution since the SUVs and the cars with big engines in the richer part of the city also cause air pollution in city of Los Angeles.
How Public Transit Helps Reduce Air Pollution: Public transit moves people efficiently while producing significantly less air pollution to move one passenger one mile -- compared to moving a person one mile in a single-occupant auto. Buses emit only 20% as much carbon monoxide per passenger mile as a single-occupant auto.
Ways to reduce air pollution Essay Sample. Car pooling You can car pool with your neighbours or friends to reduce smoke that comes out from the vehicles. Carbon monoxide that release from the vehicles can cause health problems like coughing. Use public transport Taking a bus or train to work, school or any other activity has a lot of advantages.